

Culture is a people’s immune system. It gives them a method for interpreting and living through reality. It manifests through world-views, values, mediums and collective behaviours. It unifies people, giving them cause to identify with one another. And perhaps most important of all, it helps to repel destructive forces.

You will have noticed that we do not yet have a specific module on pan-African culture. That is because culture, although usually presented superficially, permeates every aspect of a people’s lives. You will therefore find discussion points on culture in every single module; from precolonial African history, to cultural survival through the Middle Passage, to the philosophies of liberation, the political policies that have shaped the globe, and the psychosocial aspects of the world today. Below are the major books we used throughout our modules that focus on culture.

Yurugu, Marimba Ani

Let the Circle Be Unbroken, Marimba Ani

Precolonial Black Africa, Cheikh Anta Diop

Civilization or Barbarism, Cheikh Anta Diop

Decolonising the African Mind, Chinweizu

The Power of Black Music, Samuel A. Floyd, jr.

Fighting the Slave Trade, West African Strategies, ed. Sylvaine A. Diouf

This History of White People, Nell Irving Painter

The Iceman Inheritance, Michael Bradley

African Religions and Philosophy, John Mbiti

Decolonising the Mind, N’gugi Wa Thiongo

Brazil: Mixture or Massacre?, Abdias do Nascimento

Consciencism, Kwame Nkrumah

The Invention of Women, Oyeronké Oyewumi

Slavery and Social Death, Orlando Patterson

Black Marxism, Cedric Robinson

The Wages of Whiteness, David R. Roediger

Slave Culture, Sterling Stuckey

Africana Womanism, Clenora Hudson-Weems

The ISIS Papers: The Keys To The Colors, Frances Cress Welsing

Afropessimism, Frank B. Wilderson

The Rebirth of African Civilization, Chancellor Williams

Flash Of The Spirit, Robert Farris Thompson

Light From Ancient Africa, Na’im Akbar

Of Water and the Spirit, Malidoma Patrice Somé

African Origins Of The Major Western Religions, Yosef Ben-Jochannan

Africanisms in American Culture, Joseph E. Holloway

The Black Atlantic, Paul Gilroy

Boukman Academy