Boukman Academy is an organisation that has developed a free online school which offers an inclusive pan-African curriculum. Our lessons cover Black history, political science, liberation philosophy, psychology, sociology and culture.

Our lessons range from short, digestible nuggets of information to longer sessions that require diligent studying. Where needed, we include diagrams to aid the learning process. You can also download lessons in slideshow format.

The online school is divided into three levels. Those that are new to Black/pan-African studies or a particular subject should begin with Level 1. Those with some understanding of Black/pan-African studies can check out Level 2. Those with advanced knowledge of Black/pan-African studies may want to start at Level 3. Users can feel free to move through the levels whenever they wish.


We are named after the first leader of the Haitian Revolution: Dutty Boukman. At a voudon ceremony in 1791 on the island of San Domingue, Boukman, who was named so due to the number of books he’d read, inspired the masses in the ultimate fight for freedom.

Like Boukman, we aim to empower through action, providing education from an Afrocentric perspective to people of all ages.

Education is at the heart of all revolutionary movements, and as Malcolm X said, it is the passport to the future.

This is why we have developed an online school. Our mission is to leave behind something practical that people can use to better themselves for generations; using history and culture as the guide and politics as the tools.


Our logo depicts the African continent. As Africa is the ancestral homeland of all Black people, it must become our political stronghold. As pan-Africans, we understand that no Black person can truly be free until Africa is freed and politically unified. The bird depicted within the silhouette of Africa is a visual representation of “Sankofa.”

Sankofa is a term from the Twi language of the Akan people of Ghana that, in English, translates as “to go back and get it.” This is what we must do as Black people - go back and reclaim our history, our education, our lands and our freedom.

Our school is accessible for all ages and abilities. We have also released our own literature and artwork that you can check out on our Products page.

You can read our manifesto below.

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